Browse Lists

By Francesco A test list
By Drew Breunig Basic instructions for writing a StepList documenting a routine.
Do it now
By silvj
🛒 Store Open
By Tony
🚧 Close
By Kevin
🎵 listi
By Manu
By Andy Stuff to buy every time we do a "regular" shopping trip.
By Jeff Warner Onboard PCL Employee
By Jeff Warner Onboarding a PCL Employee
By Andrew Davidson The steps required to alter one of our Static Landing pages to reflect a short-term online discount/sale.
🌙 Daily
By Knar
🐶 Feed dog
By George
By Danilo Souza This creates steps for doing some sample task.
By Ben Sully Prepare gear, snacks and water for a long run out in the countryside.
💵 Contas
By Bernardo
By Alec Johanson Checklist before leaving the hangar (J3 Cub)
By Drew Breunig How to fix your car and keep it in shape!
By Drew Breunig Assess the claims made in a news article, essay, or other piece for their trustworthiness and intent.
By Drew Breunig A routine for preparing for business travel. Forgetting to pack stuff for a trip is always frustrating, but especially problematic during a work trip when time my be tight.
By Drew Breunig Securing a personal PC running Windows 11, compiled from multiple best practice guides. These steps are not exhaustive and aim to strike a balance suitable for most users.